Elefas - offers

For the moment our offers are about mutualized databases: they are logically separated (you don't see the data of other users and they don't see yours) but they are physically in the same server and you share the physical resources. Offers for dedicated servers will come later.

Stored segments Searched segments (monthly) Price / month Price / year
50,000 1,000 Free
200,000 5,000 5 € / 50 points 50 € / 500 points
500,000 15,000 10 € / 100 points 110 € / 1000 points
1,500,000 50,000 15 € / 150 points 150 € / 1500 points
5,000,000 200,000 25 € / 250 points 250 € / 2500 points

we count segments once they are stored in the database, indpendently from when they were stored;
we calculate the number of segments for each language: if a segment is translated into 5 languages it counts as 5 segments.

calculation is based on source segments of your search, no matter how many results are found; the algorithm automatically eliminates duplicates and will not invoice them twice.
